Cafe Painting - Coffee and Doughnut in Watercolor

4 x 6" on 140lb cold press paper

Okay, so I totally went AWOL for a couple weeks. I recently lost one of my dear kitties, and it put me in a bit of a slump. Getting back into painting today. Realistically, there are going to be some gaps in my creative flow. I probably won't post every single day, as saying I will puts pressure on me that keeps me from painting at all. So I will just post as I have new paintings done :)

Today was a quick little watercolor. I actually painted created this in my head, using several references of doughnuts, coffee, and cafe atmospheres to make this my own. One day maybe I'll paint in a real cafe, but I'm a little shy painting in public for now.

Available in the Etsy shop here.

Here's a photo of my gorgeous baby recently lost, Littles. Not sure how old she was, as we found her as an adult in 2013. She was run over by a car on June 7th.

And the last photo my boyfriend took of her, the day before she passed. The way the sun was shining in the photo, it almost feels like it was already set to happen. So many things could have happened differently, and any one little thing could have stopped her death and this would just be like any other photo. Somehow all the things aligned so that it happened the way it did. I really think too deeply. Anyway, I'll never forget her, and I'm so happy we were able to give her a loving home for the few years we knew her.


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